Remember the Blank

Have you ever heard the song about one of sugar advertisement in the television? Actually the song is easy to understand and learn English for the beginner. I have made this simple worksheet for my student. You also can use this song to learn English. I emphasize my student to learn part of speech, especially verb. After fill in the blank they should write down the form of V2 and the form of V3.

Remember My Sweet Moments

______ you remember our sweet moments
And _________ them the way I ___
How we ______ our ______ moment together
How we used to _____ it all

______ you remember me the way
I _________ you, will you be the same
The last time I _____ you, you are the sweetest
Every ______ with you is _________ one

Here is the link so you can listen the song 🙂

How to Learn English through Music

Music is one of powerful media to learn a language because we can hear the language and how to pronounce it easily. Listening songs in many times is an easy way to adapt the new language. Not only children who like listening songs to learn, teenager and adult also like to use music to learn a language.

As English Department student, I used to listening to the music as part of class activity, especially to learn pronunciation. Basically, I love to listen to the music. So, it was an interesting way to learn English. By looking for some references, here is some tips how to learn English through music.


1. Find the song

You could search video sharing sites such as YouTube. They have vast libraries of music videos and some will also be subtitled with the song lyrics in English.

2. Select the right songs.

You should choose music that you love so you can enjoy it when you are listening. Find music that uses the right kind of language (language which is not too easy or too hard and commonly used). Maybe you can start it with pop music because it usually about love and romance and there are lot of repeated vocabulary. You also can start it with children song which is easier to understand and have clear pronunciation.

3. Study the lyrics and vocab.

In addition to digesting the content, it’s also important that you review the vocab on a regular basis. Break the song down, word by word, and try to master each word so that it’s a part of your vocabulary.

4. Sing along.

Try to sing the song that you hear many times and out loud. This forces your mouth to adopt the right shapes and move with the rhythm of the song.

5 Try to sing from memory.

After a while, you should find that you’re starting to memorize the song. Sing the song from your memory and don’t see the lyrics.

6. Periodically review. 

You don’t have to complete learning one song before you move to the next. In fact, after you get comfortable with one song, you can move to the next. And then after enough time passes, you can go back to the first song. This is called “spaced repetition” and it’s been proven to be more effective than trying to learn it perfectly all at once.

7. Find new music that builds on top of what you’ve learned.

This is perhaps the most difficult step. Each new song that you learn should have the right balance of totally NEW vocabulary and IN PROGRESS vocabulary. This right level of overlap keeps you motivated, and also naturally reinforces your previous learning for maximum benefit.

So, let’s look for a song and listen it to improve your English! 😀